BNJ Insurance - Fenton, Missouri
Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, and Boat Insurance for all of Missouri and Illinois
BNJ Insurance has a total of 40 years experience in the insurance industry. The brokerage was formed in 2008 and has grown steadily since. We now have offices in Springfield and Washington in addition to our home office in Fenton. Our main focus is honesty, customer service, and attention to details. When a call or text is made to BNJ Insurance, a fully licensed insurance professional will be the person responding you. There is no one screening calls or non-licensed people working at BNJ Insurance. Our main emphasis is standard/preferred personal lines, however we are very capable and knowledgeable if an SR22 is needed.
Purpose Statement
We are an independent insurance brokerage that cares about our communities and our future. We feel that building trust is the most important aspect between us and our clients. We also strive to build trust with all possible customers of BNJ Insurance. We are totally honest with everyone even to our own detriment. If we cannot find the proper insurance package to protect your valuable assets, we will encourage you explore our options. We are a family at BNJ Insurance and we treat everyone like family. As with all families we like to have a little fun too. We participate in Alzheimer’s Association walks, charity golf outings, and sponsorship of sports teams, youth and adult.